One Piece Review


It has been awhile ladies and gentlemen, since I have done any writing here. The combination of College and Work have been taking my time from you and the mangas that I love. I have been fortunate enough to put the “Its Out” post but that has been the only thing can do and in fact I have not read a One Piece, Naruto, Bleach chapter in a very very long time, compared to the fact that I could barely survive a week or two of not reading  a One Piece chapter, and I think some of you know how dangerously nasty I get when I miss my One Piece Chapter. Thankfully I got this WHOLE weekend to myself, so I have been doing lots of reading and have caught up to the recent events that unfolded in One Piece. P.S I do not know what happened to 7warlord, whom was doing a great job with the reviews. But I am hoping one day 7warlord will return to us. Nonetheless, lets do this review. Also, keep in mind that this will be a long review, so if you do not want to read my two cents about the recent events, than scroll down to the comment section and say your thoughts, theories, stories and so forth. Oh, by the way I give a shout out to Tensa Gizzla, who commented about suggesting Attack On Titan as a new anime/manga to pick up, and holy crap this stuff is good, go watch/read it.

What has been Happening:

Sunny’s Protectors

  • The last time we saw Brook, Nami, Chopper was when they were playing Shogun Games with Monosuke. When Brook momonosuke_human_form_by_amusedtortoise-d5sg0u4started singing a man’s voice can be heard coming from the men’s sleeping quarters. Who the voice belongs to can be of either two possibilities; the first and most likely is that the voice belongs to one of the Doflamingo’s Family crew because Doflamingo set this plan up and it would make sense that he would send someone, most likely one of the weakest crew, to take out who ever is on the Sunny. The other and most unlikely scenario is that the voice belongs to a Toy that happens to stumble on the Sunny. Eventually we will find out who this person is because it has been awhile since we have seen the ‘ship protecting crew.’

The Exchange Team

imagesLaw, Ussop, and Robin split up from the main group to deliver CC to the agreed exchange point, Green Bit. Whats interesting here is that considering Law, a masterful manipulator and strategists, picks Robin and Ussop to be with him. Considering the fact that he was going to make the exchange with someone who he really pissed off,  and no credit taking away from Robin and Ussop, but he picks two of the lowest of the Strawhats in power. Also, he already planned to fight Joker from the beginning, so it would of made sense that he would at least take Luffy with him to help him out in this wicked battle that is about to happen. I, for one believe in Law, (try saying that in the real world) in that he knows what he is doing and already calculated that Joker himself and only himself will come to the exchange point. Law knows that Joker is in a desperate state right now, and the only thing that is keeping Joker from Kaido’s wrath, is the only supply of SAD in the factory. So Joker would do all he has in his power to put security around the Factory. And he would personally take care of Law, what better way to get back at someone than to do it with your own hands.

Still with all Law’s schemes and plans he never predicted that an Admiral would show up and the connection Joker has.  I am really excited to see what this new Admirals has in store for us. From the past Admirals we have seen, one is enough to take out a whole Donquixote.Doflamingo.full.1109000army of pirates. Another interesting fact is that this is the only time we see an Admiral and Shichibukai come to be in the same place without a formal meeting set in the past. So seeing this interaction will give us hindsight on the relationship between Admirals and Shichibukai, for what little relationship they have. The other and the most unthinkable thing happens, the possibility of Joker being a World Noble or has extremely good ties with the world government. My theory is that Joker is somewhat related to one of the Gorosei whether he is a son or is connected with one of them. For those who do not know the Gorosei are the most powerful men in the whole world. Think of it as this, United Nation is what the World Government is in One Piece and the US, China, Russia, England, and France is what the Gorosei is in One Piece. They are what control the whole World Government, the Marines, police, and etc, everything is within there grasp. So something like manipulating the media is nothing but a breath of air to one of the Gorosei. When Joker stated that his connection is ‘complicated’ and what more complicated can you get than being connected to one of the Gorosei.

Factory Destruction Team

  • Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Franky and Kinemon are the team that were in charged with finding and destroying the SAD factory. bearded_one_piece_collab_by_ar_ua-d62k3czBut after Zoro’s swords get stolen all of them split up and each wonder to their own story. Luffy entered the competition to win his brother’s Devil Fruit. Zoro is lost like always when left alone. Sanji has finally found a woman that gives him the attention he so desperately deserves. Franky becomes in charge of finding and destroying the SAD factory. Kinemon gets cornered by Doflamingo’s Family.
  1. Lets start with Luffy who is finally about to start his fight in the C group. This will be interesting to see and what better one_piece_703_by_kasukiii-d5zkjgcway to see Luffy show off his prowess than in a Battle Royale. I think that Luffy will make quick work of this group because so far that has not been anyone in his section that stands out to be a major problem for Luffy, heck he can go third Gear and obliterate everyone of the field. So no theories or clever statements here, just excited to see what will unfold.
  2. Zoro is still the same unforgettably bad direction guy who stumbles upon a very curious character, a dwarf. What I really love about One Piece is that not only does it have different races of people but it also has different species of beings. We have seen Giants, mini-Giants, Long Leg-men, Long Arm-men, Mermaids/mermen, and now Dwarves. I am a huge fan of fantasy, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Narnia, you name it I have seen or read it, and in all of these fantasy novels there is one specific one_piece____zoro_film_z_by_fajerps-d57wkd6species that is always overlooked, the Dwarves. In the Lord of the Rings, Dwarves have forgotten the world and only care of themselves. In Harry Potter they are in charge of banks and such, my point is that I am a fan of Dwarves in the sense that they are not seen as heroic or have the capacity to fit that role. Now we have Dwarves in One Piece and I am so excited to find out what Oda has in store for us.
  3. Franky is still funny as hell, enough said.

Finally Sanji gets a girl, even though he takes a betting of a lift time from her. I have always new that Violet is not what she seems to be, a wickedly dangerous princess in distress type of character that can grow huge titte-I 242847_600mean whales from her eyes. A very interesting type of power, again Oda still not running out of ideas. Many would say that One Piece is repetitive in the sense that there is a conflict, Strawhats split up, take on the bad guy, than a new conflict occurs. Which is true but that is the only repetitive thing about One Piece, other than that nothing is repetitive, no two characters are alike whether be it in design, personality or ability. Violet is a perfect example, but she is strikingly similar to Robin. Both are assassins, whom happens to be in the wrong crowd at the wrong time. Violet powers are a gift and ultimately a curse in itself because her powers allow her to see through every thing (i.e x-ray vision, read peoples mind and etc). In doing so, she knows that every time a man tries to sweet talk her, she knows that he is lying to her. So in a way she is unaffected to the lies of men, making her a very independent and unable to trust men, till Sanji came to her world. Sanji has shown her that some men love women in every way possible, be it sexual, emotional, and ultimate love. When she reads his mind she sees all of his thoughts, very perverted thoughts but very true thoughts. He shows her that even though he had perverted thoughts of her, he still respects her and will go through hell and heaven for her. Nonetheless, I am happy that Oda finally decided to have a woman actually return the attention Sanji gives to women.


9 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Jdogg
    Jun 30, 2013 @ 03:02:25

    Reblogged this on SHANNARO!!!.


  2. dtdante
    Jun 30, 2013 @ 10:39:33

    Good review. I really wandered what happened to you guys.
    For the Protect Sunny team I am not sure, I don’t think it’s someone from Flamingos family, maybe a toy like you say, but I think it’s something third, but I don’t know what.:P
    The Exchange team seems screwed, but I think Usopp the Hero of the Dwarfs will take his army and they will somehow runaway, otherwise they are, like I said, screwed, Law can’t fight Flamingo and Fujitora together.
    Well, The Factory Destruction team is all around the place like you said in their own adventures:
    Luffy finally gets to fight and I see only that old guy from Flamingos family as a treat.
    For Zoro I think he will stumble across Franky and the toy, because the toy and the Dwarf are in the same team, maybe.
    For Sanji I have no idea what will happen to him.
    For Flamingo to have that close ties to the Nobles is a surprise, but surely he can’t be a Noble, ahh I would really like to know now!!!


  3. Tensa Gizzla
    Jun 30, 2013 @ 10:41:23

    Great review J man, was wondering where u been at! Good to have you back in the game!!

    One piece is getting as crazy as usual and Law seems fucked imo but im guessing Zoro is gonna make it in time an it’ll be a 2 on 2 law an zoro vs warlord an admiral! This is the arc that has to push the strawhats to that next level as after 2 arcs we still havent seen their full potential.
    Where Luffy is concerned he is in disguise an isnt suppose to break that, so no gomu gomu powers should be used. I wanna see his Haki get used this entire round, especially as it’s just the basics, im curious as to what full mastery can really do.

    The new species the dwarves are nice, they damn sure are lucky to have seen Robin’s size F cup goodies! We should have saw this coming tho, Oda foreshadowed dwarves ages ago back in chapter 501:

    Where doflamingo is concerned – he most likely is related to a Gorosei (the blond one most likely – see pic:

    BUT here’s an idea……..what if flamingo is a D.? and his real name is Donquixote D. Oflamingo (kinda like a name rearrangement like Gol D. Roger)… an as a child flamingo was smart yet bored an wanted adventure an his daddy made him an agreement….”you can go find one piece but you have to remain loyal to your royal roots an its establishment – the WG”….


  4. cas24
    Jun 30, 2013 @ 20:03:58

    Can’t wait to see just how s


  5. cas24
    Jun 30, 2013 @ 20:07:11

    Strong everyone became/is it hasn’t really been any all out fights yet n I wonder what position the admiral will make with this new Ultimate justice and unforeseen power they been given


  6. Whatup?
    Jun 30, 2013 @ 21:16:57

    Good to have you back jdog missed your reviews and insight


  7. Tensa Gizzla
    Jul 02, 2013 @ 09:50:26

    What happened to my long ass comment about Doflamingo possibly being a “D”?


    • Jdogg
      Jul 02, 2013 @ 15:50:15

      @Tensa, I am not sure what happened to your comment about “Doflamingo possibly being a “D” sometimes when i try to comment, for some reason it never shows up. Could be either that I do not hit the post comment button or something like that. Either way submit your comment again. I am interested into what your theory is. Oh by the way the reviews have not stop its just that its getting really hard for me to post them these days.


  8. Tensa Gizzla
    Jul 02, 2013 @ 22:29:53

    Ok second time lucky lol

    Great review J man, was wondering where u been at! Good to have you back in the game an thanks for the shout out!!

    One piece is getting as crazy as usual and Law seems fucked imo but im guessing Zoro is gonna make it in time an it’ll be a 2 on 2 law an zoro vs warlord an admiral! This is the arc that has to push the strawhats to that next level as after 2 arcs we still havent seen their full potential.
    Where Luffy is concerned he is in disguise an isnt suppose to break that, so no gomu gomu powers should be used. I wanna see his Haki get used this entire round, especially as it’s just the basics, im curious as to what full mastery can really do.

    The new species the dwarves are nice, they damn sure are lucky to have seen Robin’s size F cup goodies! We should have saw this coming tho, Oda foreshadowed dwarves ages ago back in chapter 501:

    Where doflamingo is concerned – he most likely is related to a Gorosei (the blond one most likely – see pic:

    BUT here’s an idea……..what if flamingo is a D.? and his real name is Donquixote D. Oflamingo (kinda like a name rearrangement like Gol D. Roger)… an as a child flamingo was smart yet bored an wanted adventure an his daddy made him an agreement….”you can go find one piece but you have to remain loyal to your royal roots an its establishment – the WG”….


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